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Fig. 6 | Biological Research

Fig. 6

From: Heat-responsive microRNAs participate in regulating the pollen fertility stability of CMS-D2 restorer line under high-temperature stress

Fig. 6

Identification and enrichment analysis of DEGs in NH and SH under mild and extreme HT stress. A Number of DEGs that were up- or down-regulated under mild and extreme HT stress. B Venn diagram showing the number of unique and shared DEGs. C Hierarchical cluster analysis of the top 100 DEGs using a heat map. The abscissa is the sample, and the ordinate is the gene name. The relative expression levels in the figure are the normalized expression data by the Z-value method and displayed with log10 (FPKM + 1) value; red and dark blue indicate high and low expressed genes, respectively, and the colour bar is on the right of the heat map. D, E GO (D) and KEGG (E) enrichment analysis of DEGs. The top 20 GO terms or enriched pathways are plotted based on the significant P-value. The size of the circle represents the number of genes, and the color of the circle signifies the P-value. The X-axis denotes the enrichment factor, which compares the ratio of genes annotated to a GO term or KEGG pathway among the identified DEGs to the ratio of genes annotated to that GO or pathway among all genes, and the Y-axis indicates the GO or pathway name. AP_NH, NH under mild HT stress; AP_SH, SH under mild HT stress; JP_NH, NH under extreme HT stress; JP_SH, SH under extreme HT stress

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