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Table 5 Association between vaccination and pregnancy outcomes on crude and adjusted analysis

From: Impact of inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccination on embryo ploidy: a retrospective cohort study of 133 PGT-A cycles in China


Crude OR (95% CI)

Adjusted OR (95% CI)*

Adjusted P-value*

Biochemical pregnancy

1.26 (0.30–5.28)

1.34 (0.23–7.84)


Biochemical pregnancy loss

0.25 (0.03–2.51)

0.46 (0.05–4.71)


Clinical pregnancy

2.00 (0.55–7.27)

6.21 (0.76–50.88)


  1. OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval
  2. *Adjusted for female age and body mass index, male vaccination status, infertility type, duration and diseases, anti-müllerian hormone, antral follicle count, endometrial thickness, embryo stage, expansion grade, inner cell mass grade, and trophectoderm grade