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Table 1 Anti-inflammatory effects of the extract/fractions on LPS-stimulated BMDCs

From: Anti-inflammatory components of the Vietnamese starfish Protoreaster nodosus


IC 50 values (μg /mL) a


IL -12 p40

IL- 6

TNF- α

CH2Cl2 fraction

0.60 ± 0.01

3.29 ± 0.09

10.29 ± 0.34

Water layer

4.03 ± 0.10

80.76 ± 1.96


MeOH extract

2.48 ± 0.08

8.57 ± 0.21

26.19 ± 0.64

SB203580 b

2.52 ± 0.12

1.67 ± 0.13

3.65 ± 0.12

  1. aThe inhibitory effects are represented as giving 50% inhibition (IC50) relative to the vehicle control. These data represent the average values of three repeated experiments (mean ± SD). IC50 values for selected extracts are given in column IL-12 p40, IL-6 and TNF-α. Values <100 μg/mL are considered to be active.
  2. bSB203580 was used as a positive control.