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Table 5 Interaction of irrigation treatments (100%, 85% and 70% ETc), kaolin application (0%, 3% and 6%) in 2017 and (0%, 1.5% and 3%) in 2018 and cultivar on some biochemical characteristics of leaves of ʻGolabʼand ʻShafi-Abadiʼ apples

From: Influence of kaolin application on most important fruit and leaf characteristics of two apple cultivars under sustained deficit irrigation





Prolin (μmol g−1 FW

Glycine–betaine content (μmol g−1 FW)

MDA (nmol g−1 FW)

H2O2 content (μmol g−1 FW)

Prolin (μmol g−1 FW

MDA (nmol g−1 FW)

100% ETc

 0% Kaolin

4.09d ± 0.41

24.01bc ± 3.86

19.32d ± 6.24

6.86c,d ± 0.89

2.83e ± 0.60

23.60a ± 4.25

 1.5% Kaolin





3.68d,e ± 0.62

24.84a ± 0.95

 3% Kaolin

4.61c,d ± 0.38

20.31d ± 3.21

22.45c ± 5.76

6.96b,c,d ± 0.81

4.13c,d ± 0.57

16.74b ± 2.15

 6% Kaolin

4.51c,d ± 0.74

20.31d ± 3.15

25.62a,b ± 8.10

6.48d ± 0.75



85% ETc

 0% Kaolin

4.72c ± 0.49

22.97c,d ± 3.05

23.08b,c ± 4.71

7.64a,b ± 1.60

5.13c ± 0.44

25.00a ± 3.88

 1.5% Kaolin





4.99c ± 0.46

17.73b ± 3.23

 3% Kaolin

5.00b,c ± 0.45

24.76b,c ± 3.89

24.05bc ± 7.06

7.11b,c,d ± 1.46

4.83c,d ± 0.29

16.02b ± 2.02

 6% Kaolin

5.6a ± 0.77

24.69b,c ± 3.51

23.93b,c ± 8.01

6.88c,d ± 1.38



70% ETc

 0% Kaolin

5.35a,b ± 0.62

23.38b,c ± 4.14

27.14a ± 5.22

7.32b,c ± 1.35

8.05a ± 0.22

23.73a ± 5.68

 1.5% Kaolin





6.69b ± 0.64

16.33b ± 1.08

 3% Kaolin

5.39a,b ± 0.61

25.94b ± 3.74

28.34a ± 5.51

7.64ab ± 1.36

6.44b ± 0.55

18.66b ± 1.16

 6% Kaolin

5.58a,b ± 0.80

32.46a ± 4.18

28.34a ± 7.35

8.26a ± 1.25



  1. Means within each column for each treatment followed by the same letters are not significantly different at P ≤ 0.05