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Fig. 3 | Biological Research

Fig. 3

From: Expression regulation and functional analysis of RGS2 and RGS4 in adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells

Fig. 3

Expression knockdown of RGS4 and RGS2 mRNA induced by siRNA during adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation of hMSCs. Expression of RGS2 and RGS4 were examined at day 1, 3, 5, 7, and 12 after differentiation initiation at 48 h post siRGS2 and siRGS4 transfection, respectively. a–c Expression knockdown of RGS4 by siRGS4-8 and siRGS4-10 during adipogenic differentiation of hMSCs. d–f Expression knockdown of RGS4 by siRGS4-8 and siRGS4-10 during osteogenic differentiation of hMSCs. g–i Expression knockdown of RGS2 by siRGS2-2 and siRGS2-3 during adipogenic differentiation of hMSCs. j–l Expression knockdown of RGS2 by siRGS2-2 and siRGS2-3 during osteogenic differentiation of hMSCs. In a, d, g and j, expression level of RGS2 or RGS4 in each treatment group was determined relative to their expression in siCON control group, after normalization against the expression level of internal control HSP90 at each given time point. In b, e, h and k, expression level of RGS2 or RGS4 in each treatment group was normalized against the expression level of internal control HSP90 at each given time point. In c, f, i and l, agarose gel images of RGS4 or RGS2 and HSP90 RT-PCR products were shown. Error bars represent variation between independent repeats (n = 2). Expression comparison was made between siCON and siRGS4 or siRGS2 treatment groups at each time point. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01

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